Monday, 26 March 2012

A couple of photos from camp 2012

Here are a couple of photos, more to come!

what is your favorite thing you did?

Friday, 16 March 2012

??? Questions ???

Please leave a comment to answer the questions

What sport do you like most?

A. Soccer
C. Flipper ball / water polo
D. None of the above leave a comment of what you prefer

What class activates do you prefer playing for fitness?
A. Ten second tag
B. Paper scissors Rock
C. Pirates 
D. None of the above leave a comment of what you prefer

What is your favorite subject?
A. Maths
B. Reading
C. writing
D. Richtask
E. None of the above leave a comment of what you prefer

 Thanks :)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

A chance to comment on Camp

What are you looking forward to the most at camp?

Comment below, remember the way Matt showed you to leave your name.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Philosophy: Friendship

Here are the top 5 qualities of a friendship going on our philosophical discussion today. Do you agree or disagree with the order? Why? Give your top 5. Click on comments, then select 'Name'. Type your name in and comment.


1. You trust.
2. Is kind.
3. Always sticks up for you.
4. Is honest.
5. Shares the same culture.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

More great links

Free rice. Answer questions to earn grains of rice which will be donated to hungry people over the world.

Cargo bridge 2 is just like no1 but with different levels. what can you get up to?

Cargo bridge 3

Magic pen

Please comment