Friday, 25 May 2012

Working on our rich task.

In rich task at the moment we are researching an Olympic nation. Finding out about some of the important things that make up the life of people in these countries and how they help their athletes. The emphasis is on visual images in the presentation. Here we are at work:

Saturday, 12 May 2012


We had a great time yesterday creating our own stories using the amazing website Storybird. If you wish to continue at home, use your login at this address

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Gap Minder Graphs

Today in class we looked at some very interesting graphs on Earthquakes and Pollution. If you would like to look into this further here is the link to the programme Click on 'Load Gapminder World'.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Olympic Values

This term we are investigating the Olympics for our rich task, specifically the values surrounding them.

In the comments section below let the world know which sports team or sports person you think does a great job representing 1 of the 3 values. Include a link to their website and say why you think they do such a good job of it: