Sunday, 17 March 2013

Turangawaewae! Rich Task Term 1

Hi (Lucky) Followers of Room 8,

This term our rich task inquiry is around Turangawaewae. This is a student lead investigation based on the fertile question:


This is a presentation Jesse did to introduce us to his Turangawaewae.

We got together as a class and created this definition of Turangawaewae:

... is when we acknowledge, understand and are proud of our family, our country, our heritage, our community and our place within them all.

Here are some questions that we hope will be answered:

Sinead: If I wasn’t called Sinead what would my name be?
Bridget: What does my name mean?

Lily: I would like to trace my ancestors.

Issey and Ella: If i wasn’t called my name what would i be called ,If i was a boy what would my name be? Where is my name from?

Adam: I would like to know more about my ancestors such as one of my great great grandfathers build the first church in invercargill.

Ruby and Sislia
where does my name come from and who had it first.?

HImadri: I’d like to know where my name came from, Why i am called Himadri and what i would be called of i was a girl.

James: If I were a girl what would my name be?
Where does my name come from?
How did you decide that my name would be

I would trace people who are my family who live all over the world and why was I called Becky or Rebecca. I would love to know if one of my ancestors are famous or have built something cool.

Samuel:to know were my last name comes from.

George i want know that where my name come from

Jackson i want to know my whole family tree and where everyone in my family came from