Sunday, 24 February 2013

Camp Photos!

Hi Guys,

Here are some photos from camp. Plenty more to come. Please comment below and tell the world wide web what your favourite camp activity was and if the Burma trail was scary or not!


  1. Tramp was the best and Jesse scared the life out of me and all of my group and all of the parents.

  2. The waterfall swim because it was fun going inside it but i also didn't like it because i spent half my time running away from WASPS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Camp was awesome the burma trail was sort of scary

  4. i liked the waterfall swim.The Burma trail wasn't scary

  5. hi jesse
    camp was fun and my favorite bit was the Tramp and the burma trail wasnt that scary sorry,but its the truth

  6. camp was cool the tramp was the best. i was scared!!!!!

  7. Camp was so fun but sleeping in tents was a terrifing experience for me. Just asking is there anyone small who loves to run on all 4 and loves bumping into my tent this means you Ahmed.

  8. I really enjoyed the tramp and the waterfall swim.The burma trail wasn't that scary.It gave me a fright when the spider crawled out of my tent.

  9. camp was soo fun! cant wait for next year.
    the burma trail wasnt really scary, expect for right at the end and i was just starting to relax because i thought that it was over when suddenly Jesse practically jumped on my and roared!! i was soooo scared.
    but over all it was a great camp (especially karoke :)

  10. I loved camp. My favorite activity was defiantly the Waterfall swim. I liked going under the waterfall. The Burma trail was really scary but it was great fun. I loved camp, I rate camp a 10/10 it was awesome and I would love to go again.
