Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Waterwise - Photos from the first crazy session

Last Friday we went to Waterwise at Orakei Basin. Here are some pics from an amazing day.

1 comment:

  1. (My homework week 5)

    My favorite activity was the kayaking. Even though my arms got pretty tired, it was still super fun and as kayaking is one of the few sports that I can actually do properly without injuring myself in some way, shape or form. For kayaking, we were all pretty great. And then there's Ella, who fell in at least four times and ALWAYS took the scenic route. The best at sailing was definitely Jackson. Myself and Issey were the worst, as we pretty much spent our entire time on the water screaming "We're going to die!". Yeeeaah. Not my best moment. And then for windsurfing, I can't really say, as for the most time I was crashing into the bushes and trying not to crash into the bushes. And as for standup paddleboarding, probably Zac. And Jesse wasn't with my group :\ I would like to kayak regularly, as I REALLY enjoyed that. Also standup paddleboarding, as that was pretty fun too. I think that waterwise is really important for Kiwi kids to do because we live on an island and we have wonderful beaches and if we couldn't swim or do all those awesome activities then we wouldn't be able to take full advantage of this.
