Thursday, 14 November 2013

Poetry in Song Lyrics

Homework this week requires Room 8 students to post their favorite song lyrics in the comments section...


Poetry runs through all our lives. But perhaps the most obvious use of it, is in music. Choose a song that has some great lyrics. Using youtube, post the track on the blog. Next to the link, I would like you to write out your favourite part of the lyrics.
Here’s some from song called ‘Cortez the Killer’ by Neil Young that I really like:

And his subjects
Gathered 'round him
Like the leaves around a tree
In their clothes of many colors
For the angry gods to see

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Waterwise - Photos from the first crazy session

Last Friday we went to Waterwise at Orakei Basin. Here are some pics from an amazing day.

Room 8 Arcade Photos

Check out how awesome we are:






Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Room 8's Arcade Coming next Wednesday!

The students of Room 8 have been inspired by a little boy called Caine to build their own arcade!

Next Wednesday Room 8 will have an arcade lunchtime with all their creations. Plenty of pictures too follow!

Watch the video here:

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Help! I'm a kid and I don't know what to do!

Never fear, the Room 8 'Guide to being a kid' is here.

We have created custom made guides for all you kids out there. How do you make a mud slide? Annoy a brother? Avoid healthy food?

Its all here. Leave a comment about your favorite one!

Follow these links.

How to...

Throw a Tantrum by Rowena

Have Fun with Snow by Jade

Create havoc with Louie and Bill

Avoid Healthy Food by Erica

Sneak a Snack, Terrorize a Teenager and Go Crazy! by Jemma

Cheer for the team your Mum hates by George

Build a Mud Slide by Jackson 

Lie! by Adam

Annoy your siblings! by Philemon

Survive a boring movie by Zac

Annoy brothers and sisters by Bridget and Sinead

Pretend to be a dinosaur by Lily

Stay up late by Harshini

Sunday, 9 June 2013

The Rugby World Cup finally comes to Room 8.

We were lucky enough to get an up close look at the RWC trophy - The Webb Ellis Cup.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Instructional Oral Language

Pictures say a 1000 words....

This was a task where we had to guide our friends with words to recreate a picture only we could see. Its part of instructional writing...

How do you think we did?



Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Cultural Group Videos

Talofa lava vaisega,

Here are some videos that show cultural groups from various high schools. Look at the commitment, passion, practice and entertainment!
Have a think about what you want to get out of being part of the cultural group, and any ideas you have.

Please place comments (with your name) below.

And if you find other videos you like you can put them in the comments section too. That way we can share them!



Tongan Taufakaniua

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Turangawaewae! Rich Task Term 1

Hi (Lucky) Followers of Room 8,

This term our rich task inquiry is around Turangawaewae. This is a student lead investigation based on the fertile question:


This is a presentation Jesse did to introduce us to his Turangawaewae.

We got together as a class and created this definition of Turangawaewae:

... is when we acknowledge, understand and are proud of our family, our country, our heritage, our community and our place within them all.

Here are some questions that we hope will be answered:

Sinead: If I wasn’t called Sinead what would my name be?
Bridget: What does my name mean?

Lily: I would like to trace my ancestors.

Issey and Ella: If i wasn’t called my name what would i be called ,If i was a boy what would my name be? Where is my name from?

Adam: I would like to know more about my ancestors such as one of my great great grandfathers build the first church in invercargill.

Ruby and Sislia
where does my name come from and who had it first.?

HImadri: I’d like to know where my name came from, Why i am called Himadri and what i would be called of i was a girl.

James: If I were a girl what would my name be?
Where does my name come from?
How did you decide that my name would be

I would trace people who are my family who live all over the world and why was I called Becky or Rebecca. I would love to know if one of my ancestors are famous or have built something cool.

Samuel:to know were my last name comes from.

George i want know that where my name come from

Jackson i want to know my whole family tree and where everyone in my family came from

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Camp Photos!

Hi Guys,

Here are some photos from camp. Plenty more to come. Please comment below and tell the world wide web what your favourite camp activity was and if the Burma trail was scary or not!